Some women meticulously choose an outfit-coordinated handbag every morning, while others carry the same bag for months (or even years) until it finally wears out and falls apart. Because they're such a daily necessity and an ingrained part of our everyday lives, handbags say a lot more about their owners than just announcing their taste in fashion. Big, small, hobo, clutch, flashy or plain -- what is your handbag saying about you?
Shoulder Bag Shoulder bags denote a thoughtful, practical nature and careful decision-making.
Designer Label Women that carry expensive, designer handbags enjoy the finer things in life (and want others to know it).
Knock-Off Carrying a knock-off bag can say that you're putting a fake front to the world and not always being true to yourself. But at least you have good taste.
Clutch Those who carry a clutch or very small handbag on a daily basis don't need to have their entire life with them at all times and give off an "I am a jet-setter" vibe.
Over-sized Large hobos and tote bags say that you don't want to ever have to go without. They say "I am prepared" and "I can take care of myself."
Flashy Bright, bejeweled, sequined, or otherwise very flashy bags denote confidence and a desire to be noticed.
Neutral Soothing, comfortable, neutral bags often belong to women with open, personable, friendly demeanors.
I agree with pretty much all of it except that people who carry so called "flashy" bags want to be noticed......well, actually I can only speak for myself. I just have a fondness for embellishment and adornment.
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