1. Cream and beige silk dress, £1,495, and natural straw hat, £150, both Burberry Prorsum; black and beige hessian and silk satin sandals, £315, Miu Miu; cream leather bag, £450, MaxMara.
2. Silk jacket, £1,400, and silk shorts, £340, both Valentino; suede and leather sandals, £620, Christian Louboutin; straw hat, £14, Beyond Retro; silk velvet ribbon, £2.25 per metre, VV Rouleaux; cotton and metal bag, from a selection, Chloé; earrings, model’s own; linen cushions, from a selection, Toast and Hen & Hammock.
3. Cotton playsuit, £260, D&G; leather and wood wedges, £617, Gucci; earrings, model’s own; cotton blanket, from a selection, Toast.
4. Silk satin top, £615, silk satin skirt, £460, silk satin apron, £445, silk satin wedges, £350, and leather bag, £540, all Miu Miu; felt hat, £14, Beyond Retro.
5. Silk-mix cardigan, £168, Hari; silk-mix top, £110, and silk-mix skirt, £250, both Tommy Hilfiger; leather sandals, £475, Yves Saint Laurent; straw hat, £14, Beyond Retro; silk velvet ribbon, £2.25 per metre, VV Rouleaux; leather belt, £39, Jigsaw; leather suitcase, £1,155, Prada.
6. Silk top, silk trousers, suede sandals and silk belt, all from a selection, Dolce & Gabbana; leather clutch, £160, Longchamp; earrings, model’s own.
7. Cashmere sweater, £365, cotton shorts, £395, and cotton skirt, £200, all Prada; straw hat, £14, Beyond Retro; silk velvet ribbon, £2.25 per metre, VV Rouleaux; earrings, model’s own; cushion and throw, from a selection, Toast.
8. Silk jacket, £900, silk trousers, £548, straw hat, £137, silk scarf, £142, all Gucci; earrings, model’s own.
9. Silk jersey dress, £3,350, Calvin Klein.
10. Blue and white silk dress, £539, Emporio Armani; blue and white cotton shoes, £258, Maloles; black silk velvet ribbon, £2.25 per metre, VV Rouleaux; earrings, model’s own.
Beautiful shoot......I must admit that it's hard to look at them while it's rainy and cold in my area.
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