Who: Diane De Maria, painter and accessories designer
Home base: Paris
What to buy: Bright patent leather bags ($1,800) with images of industrial factories, airplanes, and robots
Where to buy: Beyond 7, in NYC; Hotel Particulier, in Paris
Inspiration: The “strict and sober silhouettes” of her 1920s grandmother’s day bags; and her grandfather, surrealist painter Pierre De Maria, who ran with Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Picasso. The print for fall ’09 is a replica of De Maria’s painting La Téte Eclatée. “He wasn’t a grandfather in the classic way; he lived in his own world.”
Philosophy: De Maria transposes surrealism’s esoteric imagery, drawing on fantastical dreamscapes and “automatic” visions, onto utilitarian handbags. “I’ve always been fascinated by the objects you pass by, like electricity towers on the road. I see them as ghosts of a futuristic vision. Man and machine, the past and the future.”
Color Scheme: Raspberry, orange, sky blue, caramel, and black. “My grandmother, also makes his pieces more affordable ($4,000 for a sleeveless gilet to $11,000 for a cape). After all, he likes to point out, man has been wearing fur since the dawn of time.
(Elle U.K.)
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